Redfinger | Rogue Class in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is a popular role-playing game that has gained a massive following since its release in 2021. Among the professions available, the Rogue class stands out as the most mobile and supportive profession. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Rogue class in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, explore its unique abilities and skills, and provide some tips to help you master this class.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds

Introduction to the Rogue Class

The Rogue class is all about mobility and support. As a Rogue, you have the highest mobility among all professions, which allows you to move quickly and freely across the battlefield, dodging enemy attacks and launching surprise attacks from afar. In addition, the Rogue class is excellent at providing support to your teammates, with a wide range of skills that can buff your allies' attack power, defense, and movement speed.

The Rogue's Weapon of Choice

The Rogue class wields short bows as their primary weapon, which is perfect for their playstyle. Short bows are lightweight and easy to handle, allowing Rogues to move quickly and shoot accurately while on the move. In addition, short bows have a high rate of fire, making them excellent for launching a flurry of arrows at enemies from a distance.

Rogue Skills and Abilities

Rogue class has a variety of skills. Let's take a closer look at some of Rogue's most powerful abilities and how they can benefit your team.

Arrow Rain Storm: This skill allows the Rogue to shoot out arrow rain to cause continuous damage to a large area. Enemies who are hit will have their movement speed reduced, making them easy targets for your team to pick off.

Multiple Shots: With this skill, the Rogue can shoot arrows that penetrate through enemies and cause damage. Enemies who are hit will be pushed backward and have their movement speed reduced, allowing you and your team to close in and finish them off.

Evade Shot: The Evade Shot skill is perfect for Rogues who need to quickly move out of harm's way. With this skill, the Rogue can jump back with agile movements and fire arrows at the same time, making it an excellent skill for both offense and defense.

Twisted Arrow: The Twisted Arrow skill is a powerful skill that allows the Rogue to launch dark arrows that can distort space and time. If the arrow hits an enemy, it will explode at that location and slowly attract enemies in the area, making them unable to move. This skill is excellent for setting up traps and creating opportunities for your team to attack.

Performance Time: The Performance Time skill is perfect for boosting your team's attack power, defense, and movement speed. This skill can simultaneously enhance the attack, defense, and movement speed of the team member with the highest attack power. When combined with the Twisted Arrow skill, it can create a devastating combo that can take down even the strongest enemies.

Burning Heart: The Burning Heart skill is a powerful skill that amplifies the Courageous Heart, strengthening the attack power of yourself and your teammates. This skill is excellent for taking down high-level enemies and bosses.

Tips for Playing as a Rogue

Stay Mobile: As a Rogue, your mobility is your greatest asset. Make sure to keep moving, dodging enemy attacks, and launching surprise attacks from afar.

Support Your Team: The Rogue class is excellent at providing support to your teammates. Make sure to use your skills and abilities to buff your allies' attack power, defense, and movement speed. This will not only help your team to survive longer in battle but also increase their chances of winning.

Choose Your Targets Carefully: The Rogue class is excellent at taking out enemies from a distance. However, you need to choose your targets carefully. Focus on taking down weaker enemies first before moving on to stronger foes. This will help you to conserve your energy and take down enemies more efficiently.

Master Your Skills: The Rogue class has a wide range of skills and abilities that can be used in various situations. Make sure to practice using your skills and abilities to their full potential.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds


The Rogue class in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is a powerful and versatile profession that can provide excellent mobility and support to any team. With their short bows and wide range of skills and abilities, Rogues can take down enemies from afar while providing valuable buffs to their teammates. By staying mobile, supporting your team, choosing your targets carefully, and mastering your skills, you can become a master of the Rogue class and lead your team to victory in any battle. So, get out there and start exploring the world of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds with your Rogue class character!

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds