Perfect World VNG: Top Three Classes for Beginners

For beginners in Perfect World VNG, selecting a class to play can be overwhelming due to each class's unique strengths and weaknesses. Choosing a class that fits your playstyle is crucial. This article will explore the top three classes for beginners in Perfect World VNG.

Perfect World VNG


The Warrior class is the tank class of Perfect World VNG, and they are sturdy and can withstand heavy damage from enemies. Warriors can deal massive damage in close combat with their swords and axes. They also have skills that allow them to stun enemies and even reflect damage back to them. The Warrior class is known for its high HP (health points) and defense, making them the go-to class for players who want to soak up damage while dealing massive damage to enemies.

Warriors can switch between defensive and offensive modes with ease, allowing them to adapt to any situation. They can use their defensive skills to protect their teammates or their offensive skills to deal damage to enemies. This versatility makes Warriors an essential class in any team and a reliable option for players who want to contribute to their team's success.

The Warrior class is straightforward and easy to understand, making it an excellent option for beginners. Unlike other classes that require a more strategic playstyle, Warriors can dive right into the action and deal massive damage while soaking up damage from enemies. This simplicity makes the Warrior class a popular choice among players who want to enjoy the game without worrying about complex gameplay mechanics.

Warriors have skills that allow them to stun enemies, reflect damage back to them, and even heal themselves. They also have skills that can increase their attack power, movement speed, and even make them invincible for a short period. With such a wide range of skills, Warriors can adapt to any situation and emerge victorious in battles.


The Mage class in Perfect World VNG is designed for DPS, meaning they deal a high amount of damage to enemies. Mages possess an array of abilities, such as slowing down enemies, creating shields, and teleportation, making them a strategic class preferred by players who prefer to fight from a distance.

Mages rule the battlefield in Perfect World VNG due to their strategic playstyle, which allows them to control the battlefield by creating distance between themselves and their enemies. Although they are not as sturdy as other classes and can easily take heavy damage if caught in close combat, their abilities to slow down enemies and teleport to different locations make them a reliable option for strategic players.

Mages have a wide range of skills, which can cause damage over time, slow down enemies, and create shields for both themselves and their teammates. They can also increase their attack power, movement speed, and even heal themselves, allowing them to adapt to any situation and emerge victorious in battles.

Furthermore, Mages powerful spells and abilities enable them to deal massive damage from afar, allowing them to take advantage of enemy weaknesses and quickly turn the tide of battles.

Perfect World VNG


The Cleric class is dedicated to support, and they possess the ability to heal their teammates and provide buffs that enhance their abilities. The class also has skills that can stun enemies and deal damage. Their role as a support class makes them a go-to class for players who want to contribute to their team's success by keeping their team alive and enhancing their teammates' abilities.

Clerics reign as the support class of choice in Perfect World VNG due to their critical role in any team. They are vital for keeping the team alive and enhancing their abilities, making them a reliable option for players who want to contribute to their team's success. Their skills to heal teammates and provide buffs enable them to keep their team alive and enhance their teammates' abilities, allowing them to dominate in battles.


Novice players in Perfect World VNG can choose the class that best suits their playstyle. If unsure, they can register three accounts simultaneously and create three different characters to experience the gameplay. Playing with multiple characters at the same time may seem daunting, but with the Redfinger Android emulator, it is easy to do.