League of Legends Tier List: A Complete Guide

League of Legends – LoL isn't simply a game; it's also a lively battlefield in which every choice, pick of fighter, and strategy has significant value. Understanding and utilizing the LoL tier list is the secret to climbing the ladder in this fabulous game.

From the uninhabited jungle to the precise placement of support characters, knowing where your selections are in the League Champion tier list leaderboard is essential. Whether you're attempting to dominate the League of Legends support tier list or to master the League of Legends ranked tier list, this article will provide you with the necessary tools to improve your play.

League of Legends Tier List

Brief intro and pro guide to League of Legends tier list

The League of Legends tier list champions are categorized into five primary positions: Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC, and Support. Each role has a distinct contribution to team success. For instance, Darius is a threat in the Top Lane with his consistent ability to duel, while Ahri is exceptional in the Mid Lane with her relentless nature and ability to control the crowd. Tier lists categorize champions into S, A, B, C, and D tiers, with S standing for the top-most choices in meta and D standing for smaller or less significant choices.

To understand the tier list in detail, knowing these strategies is crucial:

Meta Awareness: Constant improvements and updates to the system have an effect on the champion's abilities. Keep up-to-date on buffs, downs, and reconditions.

Flexibility: Know the best players in the S and A tiers for taking on different positions amidst drafts.

Team Synergy: Select champions that help your team achieve its greatest potential and minimize its flaws.

Skill and Practice: Even lower-level players can be exceptional with expert-level tactics.

A well-designed tiered list serves as a helpful guide. It ensures you're prepared and have the necessary skills to adapt and succeed in the complex, competitive world of League of Legends. 

Here is a full composition of the current League of Legends meta tier list:

League of Legends Top Lane tier list 

The League Top Lane tier list is home to buffs, tanks, and split-pushers. The ability to win battles has a macro effect on the team.


Darius: With his mechanical damage and inherent healing, Darius is still one of the most powerful competing fighters. His capability to snowball is superior.

Fiora: The eventual duelist, Fiora, employs the same tactics as tanks and carries around with precision punches and long-lasting sustain.

Camille: A versatile option with unique mobility that causes damage and a team-based utility.


Garen: A simple but powerful fighter with a long lifespan and the potential to execute.

Renekton: Controls the early hours of the trade and transitions into a dependable mid-game banger.

Shen: Exudes a powerful final pressure that makes him a superior choice for collective play.


Tryndamere: A powerful character that split-pushes but has a hard time in team fights without proper preparation.

Ornn: A tank that is effective but has a lower propensity to cause damage than other meta tankers.

Nasus: A powerful man who never fades, Nasus will only shine if given sufficient time to cultivate.


Sion: A tanky character with a decent chance of success but lacks the flexibility needed in the current meta.

Dr. Mundo: Low effort to improve the efficacy of his long-lasting composition despite his resilience.

Mordekaiser: Has low mobility, which makes him susceptible to kiting.


Yorick: Effective in small scenarios but lackluster in the majority of encounters.

Illaoi: Is superior in 1v2 contests but is inferior in team-based combat.

League of Legends Jungle tier list

S-Tier: Lee Sin, Evelynn, Kha'Zix – Efficient in mobility, burst damage, and early ganks.

A-Tier: Jarvan IV, Warwick, Volibear – Committed initiators that have a good chance of survival.

B-Tier: Zac, Rammus, Skarner – Powerful with efficiency but less significant in solo endeavors.

C-Tier: Sejuani, Amumu – Tanky but slower and dependent on the team's damage.

D-Tier: Shaco, Master Yi – High-powered floor frequently targeted in top-level gameplay.

League of Legends Mid Lane tier list

S-Tier: Ahri, Zed, Viktor – Big on versatility, burst power, and control of the lane.

A-Tier: Yasuo, Akali, Syndra – Powerful, but they need to be positioned correctly in order to excel.

B-Tier: Veigar, Malzahar, Lux – More effective at lower elos but consistent.

C-Tier: Reversed Fate, Lissandra – Niche picks and superior team coordination.

D-Tier: Ryze, Kassadin – Struggles to be as effective as possible without the extra farm.

League of Legends ADC tier list

S-Tier: Jhin, Kai'Sa, Ezreal – Recommended pick with a high potential for damage and mobility.

A-Tier: Tristana, Missfortune, and Samira – Reliable but with some discrepancies in the range or scale.

B-Tier: Varus, Sivir, Draven – Advantageous in specific team combinations.

C-Tier: Ashe, Kalista – Reliable but lack the necessary meta-knowledge.

D-Tier: Aphelios, Twitch – Capped on high skill but situationally powerful.

League of Legends Support tier list

S-Tier: Thresh, Leona, Lulu – Top-level utility, peel, and engage functions.

A-Tier: Nautilus, Karma, Nami – Playmakers that are consistent with different levels of strength.

B-Tier: Blitzcrank, Morgana, and Senna – Effective in specific combinations.

C-Tier: Soraka, Zilean, Yuumi – Can have a successful battle in specific scenarios.

D-Tier: Taric, Braum – Low impact in the current environment.

Best practices for elevating your League of Legends gameplay

Whether you're an iron-ranked debutant or a diamond-level strategist, improving your play style in League of Legends is more than just knowing the current LoL champion list. Here's what you can do to increase your level:

Master your champion pool

It's easy to transition from champion to champion, but staying with a small and versatile pool will lead you to master their principles. Concentrate on champions that are consistently ranked high in the League of Legends meta tier list. For instance, Morgana is frequently listed in the LoL Support tier list, and Lee Sin is in the League of Legends Jungle tier list.

Map awareness is key

The minimap is the best of your friends. A quick look at it can indicate the presence of enemies, lost allies, and jungle settlements. Top-level players who thrive on the champion tier list League of Legends thoroughly understand how to utilize map knowledge to achieve goals like Baron Nashor.

Optimize item builds

Even the top players on the League of Legends character list have a shortfall when it comes to items. Creating defensive items to counter heavy bursts from opponents or improving the speed of attacks can have a positive or negative effect on a match.

Adapt to the meta

The League of Legends meta tier list is subject to alterations. Join the League of Legends Reddit discussion for information on what is popular and what is not. Learn which players are climbing or dropping out of rankings to keep up with the leaderboard.

Improve communication

The League is a team-based game, and communication is the difference between normal players and pros. Use pings with caution and communicate important information, such as the enemy's cooldowns.

Access and run League of Legends 24/7 - Redfinger Cloud Phone

For those who want to maintain a consistent rhythm of play with their League of Legends game, the Redfinger phone with cloud features is a superior option.

What is Redfinger?

Redfinger is a cloud-based virtual phone service that enables you to access apps and games without negatively impacting your device's resources. Consider it as having a dedicated phone with a game console in the cloud that is always ready to fight.

How to get League of Legends download through Redfinger?

Step 1: Sign up to Redfinger account

Visit the Redfinger website and register an account. 

Many approaches are available to acquire the Redfinger app. Visit the website and download the client for Windows or the Android app. You can also get the Redfinger app through the Google Play Store. For iOS and macOS users, you can directly register through the 'Try Redfinger Now' button on the home page or the 'Sign In' button in the top right corner.

Visit the Redfinger website and register an account

Step 2: Download League of Legends from Play Store

Once you have installed the Redfinger app, launch your web browser and search for League of Legends. Download League of Legends from the actual website. Any problem with LoL download? Just read our guide! Then start the game, and you're ready to go!

Download League of Legends from Play Store

Step 3: Enjoy 24/7 gaming!

You can now enjoy playing your preferred game without fear. Redfinger's beauty is its capacity to run apps in the cloud. This will allow you to have a smooth experience without negatively impacting your primary device.Enjoy 24/7 LOL gaming!


The League of Legends continues to be a popular game worldwide because of its constantly evolving meta, strategic depth, and dedicated community. Whether you're assessing the champion list League of Legends entails, acting through League of Legends top tier list, or making small changes to your selections using the League of Legends mid tier list, the game constantly inspires players to alter and improve. Investigating the mid tier list League of Legends or the Wild Rift champion tier list can also lead to new strategies.

Those dedicated to the ADC tier list League of Legends, the tier list ADC League of Legends marks critical decisions. Similarly, taking a look at the League of Legends Mid Laners tier list at the time of dynamic conflict in the middle of the lane guarantees success in the middle of the lane skirmishes. Ultimately, maintaining a consistent association with the League of Legends rank list will help you to sustain your progress. By utilizing these instruments, you will have a preemptive advantage in the rift and redefine your approach.


Why is LoL still so popular?

The League of Legends' success is attributed to its complex gameplay, frequent updates, and a devoted community. By constantly changing the list of lol characters and adding new champions, the game seems to have a fresh reputation even after a decade.

Is League only a PC game?

While League of Legends was originally intended for computers, its cellular version, Wild Rift, has been adapted to be played on the go as well. 

Is League of Legends free?

Yes, League of Legends is primarily free to play, but it contains a few in-game purchases for cosmetic goods like skins.