Beginner's Guide | Character in Icarus M: A Guide to the Best Skills to Use

Icarus M is a fan favorite mainly because of its characters and skills. As the game progresses, you will need to upgrade your skills and abilities to overcome increasingly challenging levels. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the best skills to use in Icarus M and how to master character development.

Icarus M

Warrior Skills

The warrior class skills in Icarus M are all inclined to close combat, and pay more attention to their own attack power. It is basically impossible to win when facing mages or archers at a long distance, but it can restrain assassins very well. Here are some of the best skills available for the warrior class:

Shield Charge: This skill allows you to charge at enemies while dealing significant damage and stunning them.

Whirlwind: With this skill, you can spin around, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

Slash: A straightforward yet effective skill, slash deals a considerable amount of damage to a single enemy.

Rage: This skill increases your attack power and speed, making you an unstoppable force in combat.

Mage Skills

The mage class in Icarus M is good at magic and ranged combat. mage's attack power is high, and he has the ability to control the enemy, but his own defense is very weak. Here are some of the best skills available for the mage class:

Fireball: This skill allows you to shoot a fireball at your enemies, dealing significant damage.

Ice Spear: With this skill, you can summon a sharp ice spear to impale your enemies.

Lightning Strike: This skill summons a bolt of lightning to strike your enemies, dealing massive damage.

Elemental Shield: This skill creates a shield around you that absorbs incoming damage.

Assassin Skills

The assassin class in Icarus M is very powerful, but it must rely on sneak attacks to win. The burst damage is very high and can kill mages and ranger in a short time. Stealth, agility and speed are the most important attributes of assassin class. Here are some of the best skills for the Assassin class:

Backstab: This skill allows you to sneak up behind enemies and deal massive damage.

Shadow Walk: With this skill, you can become invisible and move around undetected.

Poison Strike: This skill poisons your enemies, dealing damage over time.

Smoke Bomb: This skill creates a smoke screen that disorients enemies and makes it easier for you to escape.

Icarus M

Ranger Skills

The ranger class in Icarus M is known for its marksmanship, agility and quick reflexes. Hotspot is good at shooting enemies from a distance and dodging attacks, and the most fearful thing is being attacked by assassins. Here are some of the best skills available for ranger classes:

Rapid Shot: This skill allows you to shoot arrows rapidly, dealing significant damage.

Poison Arrow: With this skill, you can shoot an arrow that poisons your enemies, dealing damage over time.

Multi-Shot: This skill allows you to shoot multiple arrows at once, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

Dodge: This skill allows you to quickly dodge incoming attacks, making it easier for you to avoid damage.

Tips for Mastering Character Development

Focus on One Class

While it may be tempting to experiment with different classes, focusing on one class will help you master that class's abilities and skills. As you progress through the game, you will earn skill points that can be used to upgrade your character's abilities. By focusing on one class, you can invest your skill points into the skills and abilities that are most effective for that class, making your character a more formidable opponent.

Complete Quests

Completing quests in Icarus M can help you level up and earn rewards. Many quests also provide valuable experience in combat, allowing you to practice your skills and abilities in a safe environment. Quests also provide opportunities to earn new equipment and items that can help you in combat.

Upgrade Your Equipment

Upgrading your equipment is crucial in Icarus M. As you progress through the game, you will encounter tougher enemies and bosses, and your current equipment may not be effective against them. Upgrading your equipment will provide you with better stats, making your character more powerful and capable of taking on stronger opponents.

Experiment with Different Builds

Experimenting with different builds can help you find the perfect combination of skills and abilities for your character. Try different skills and abilities to see which ones work best for your playstyle. You may find that certain skills and abilities work better in certain situations, making it important to have a variety of options to choose from.


Although it is mentioned above not to play multiple characters in Icarus M, this is not absolute. If you want to have a deeper understanding of different character skills, getting started is essential. In order not to waste too much time, you can choose to use the Redfinger Android emulator to play Icarus M, and you can create multiple accounts and characters at the same time without wasting too much time.