🎉Redfinger community big party, sharing carnival is coming!🎉

Dear friends ~
👋 Redfinger's family is expanding happily, waiting for you to add color!🌈 In order to make our small universe more lively, we specially planned a fun full sharing feast, from May 22 to June 6, let our heart and laughter, through the sea of clouds, resonance in every corner!✨

🎮【Activity highlights】:
Pick up your microphone 🎤, whether it is the beloved game god or animation treasure, or even those with the cloud phone cloud travel wonderful time, are welcome to be in the form of video or beautiful pictures, in Discord our base out! Let the memories and love flow, gain resonance and praise ~ 🌟

Join the activity to win valuable free CDK for you!

🏆【lots of prizes, waiting for you】:
King of heat 👑 (comments 1): S10-30 days to use, enjoy experience waiting for you to unlock!
Warm interaction 🥈🥉 (comments 2-3): K10-7 days right to use, happy overtime without limit!
Active little expert 🏅 (4-8): K10-3 days to use, enjoy your highlight moment!
Participation is polite 🎁 (top 30 posters): K10-24 hours of use right, everyone has a share, happy share!
Comment star 🌟 (top 10): the official community live broadcast authority big broadcast, let your voice directly hit the cloud!

🤝【Community star, empty position waiting for】: Participate in the activity and be eager to go further, you have the opportunity to be directly promoted to the community assistant, to protect the warmth and fun together!
📝【Participate in the secret book】: After the post is posted, remember to call your friends and friends or community friends to watch, comment and like, and then quietly tell the administrator or @ them, you will be officially shortlisted!
🌈【Last Tips】: Don't forget that the charm of sharing lies in interaction. Invite more friends, give more warmth and support, let love and happiness infinite transmission!💌
Act quickly, Redfinger wonderful, by you and I to write together!✍️
🚀【Join the Discord community, wonderful with no limit, joy is not close】:Dear friends, want to get first-hand information, chat with friends about the latest game dynamics, dig the treasure of animation? Come and embrace our Discord family, where there are not only endless topics waiting for you to hold up, but also super burning game bureau, warm animation sharing meeting, every day is full of fresh days!🎮🎨
🔗 TikTok :https://www.tiktok.com/@redfingerglobal/video/7371767661979503880?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7337982728443676161